
Saturday 21 June 2014

The Rising Popularity of The Cushion Cut Diamond

While the Cushion Cut diamond has been around for almost 200 years, there has been resurgence in recent times of its popularity and many people may be wondering the reason for this popularity surge. Actually, in the first century after it was created, the Cushion Cut diamond dominated the industry as the most popular diamond cut. It was sought after by the lovers of jewelry and style and this popularity was sustained right into the early parts of the 20th century.

The name, Cushion Cut was actually drawn from its shape which resembles a pillow with its square outline with rounded edges. It used to be known as the ‘Pillow Cut’ or ‘Candlelight’ diamond and this was a reference to the manner in which diamonds were cut in the period before electricity was invented. Long ago, the sparkle of a diamond was measured by the brilliance the diamond exhibited when seen in candlelight. The dynamics of the diamond industry and fashion had seen other diamond cuts supplant the Cushion Cut as the dominant cut for a while but there have been refinements made to this diamond cut based on the brilliant thesis by Marcel Tolkowsky, creator of the popular Round Brilliant Cut diamond. This diamond cut is a blend of the old mine cut as well as the more recent oval cut.

By adapting the theories provided by Tolkowsky, there have been slight changes such as the shrinking of the culet, enlargement of the table while the cut angles have been improved thus ensuring added brilliance. These refinements have spurred interest in the diamond cut as it has retained its traditional and antique feel while incorporating modern performance as a result of the refinements. You can therefore see that the Cushion Cut diamond has a halo which draws attention to the stone when it is mounted on a ring thus making the ring even more outstanding.

Taking a look at the Cushion Cut diamond, it is clear that it has distinctly better fire, better than that seen in the round brilliant cut even though it is obviously less brilliant. Today, men are gradually turning to the Cushion Cut diamond in order to maximize the sensuality and traditional aura of the engagement ring with which they propose. No more diamonds which look so big that the lady’s finger is dwarfed. Cushion Cut diamonds add beauty to the lady’s graceful fingers.

Looking to know more about Marquise Cut diamond or Cushion Cut diamonds before purchasing click on the link.

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