
Thursday 30 January 2014

It’s All about a Pillow that Pleases Your Love

With its square and round corner shape, the cushion cut diamond looks like a pillow. This is why some diamond lovers term this cut as a ‘pillow cut diamond’. These types of diamonds are listed among the oldest diamonds. They have been around for a long time even more than a century.What amazes you most about this cushion cut is that, despite of their old existence they have not lost their popularity. And when you compare cushion cut diamonds with any other diamonds, this cut is considered as the most antique of all.

Since 1920 there have been a lot of modifications on cushion cuts. Because of various facets patterns this type of diamond is also known as ‘Modified Cushion Brilliant’ now when you know so much about this special cut diamond, you can buy one to present to your beloved partner. While buying this kind of diamond, you need to keep a watch whether the cushion cut matches its three features like steeper crown, larger culets and smaller tables. In addition, clarity and quality are two other factors that you also need to count on.

An important thing that you should always remember before buying a cushion cut is that, you do not misinterpret it with oval shape diamonds. However, the length-width ratio of a pillow cut diamond significantly varies from other types of diamond that you see usually. People love the design and vintage tale of a pillow cut.

One of the most challenging parts of a cushion cut diamond is that their larger facet often makes them look rather dull when compared to other brilliant cut diamonds. For this reason they have a gloomy light reflection as compared to other diamonds. Probably this is the reason why pillow cut is also called as ‘Candlelight Diamond’.

Despite of its gloomy reflection, cushion cut diamonds are always popular for their antique design. The antique nature made them one of the most preferred diamond cuts among many celebrities. The cushioned shape diamonds look very romantic, and this is why people love to buy this kind of diamond cut for their loved ones. Cushion cuts are very popular among important occasions such as weddings, engagements and anniversaries.
Throughout the ages, there have been a lot of transformations with pillow cut diamonds. Some of the popular cushion cut diamonds, include the 317.40ct Cullinan II, 128.54ct Tiffany Yellow and the 45.52ct Hope Diamond among others. An interesting tale of cushion cut diamonds is that, they symbolize your love, loyalty and dedication you have for your loved ones.

Get in touch with DiamondSafe for purchase cushion cut diamonds, princess cut diamonds, heart shape cut diamond and marquise diamond at an affordable price.

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